Safari- Carcharodontosaurus


3 in stock

SKU: 095866000554 Category:


Carcharodontosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs of all time. This terrifying theropod was named after the great white shark, Carcharodon, and rivalled the mighty T. rex in both size and ferocity. It prowled the river deltas of northern Africa during the Late Cretaceous, 93 million years ago.

  • Scientific Name: Carcharodontosaurus saharicus
  • Characteristics: Carcharodontosaurus is a giant two-legged carnivore with a large narrow head, jaws filled with sharp blade-like teeth, and a long counterbalancing tail. It has long muscular legs with three-toed feet, short arms with three-fingered hands, and sharp curved claws.
  • Size: This detailed and accurate figure is 8.87 inches long and 4 inches high. Its striking dusty yellow colour will help it stay camouflaged as it stalks its prey in sandy desert environments.
  • The Carcharodontosaurus is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free