Pokemon- Detective Pikachu Case File


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SKU: 820650803840 Category:


The Pokémon Trading Card Game will feature a special selection of 26 New cards inspired by pokémon detective Pikachu. Collectors and competitive players alike will want to get their hands on all of these cards to inject a little ryme city flavor into their decks. Look for cards featuring Pokémon such as Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Jigglypuff, and detective Pikachu, all depicted as CGI creations. 1 promo card featuring detective pikachu?on the case! 1 metallic coin inspired by detective Pikachu 2 Pokémon TCG: detective pikachu booster packs 1 Pokémon TCG: Sun & moon series booster pack A detective Pikachu 4-pocket binderPokemon TCG: Detective Pikachu Case File + 3 Booster Pack + A Promo Card + A Metallic Coin